Saturday, November 22, 2014

To Kenz......I Love You!

Your home is beautiful! Mountains, colors, God is everywhere!
But don't forget little ol' Elko. She may be small, but your history with her is great. :)


                                           The cotton field waterer

 Everybody likes the numbers!


The Pecan Trees
(Right after the wedding :)) 

Lovin' those bushes by the road! 

 I just had to get the tractor

 You had a white dress born in the cottonfield......;)


More of the same 

 Your front yard swing....

 You gotta love them tractors!

Just for you!


  1. Madeline.....Why did I never see this.... Precious, precious, precious. You took great pictures of so many things that I love about home. <3 Love that place and the people who call it home.

    1. I love you too, sis! I am glad you and Daniel could move closer and share it with us!
